Navigating Difficult Conversations: Managerial Guidelines for Addressing Mental Health Concerns and Suicidal Ideation in the Workplace

by | Mar 20, 2024 | HR Blog

Conversations around mental health and suicide are among the most challenging and sensitive discussions that can arise in the workplace. 

We asked workplace psychotherapist, Louise Scott from Mind & Mission to provide guidelines to help managers have these difficult discussions effectively.

Louise told us “In the workplace, it is of paramount importance that managers learn to navigating difficult conversations about mental health and suicide.  Managers have a responsibility to create a supportive environment where individuals feel safe and supported to talk about difficult issues.  Managers can encourage open conversations by being empathetic listeners and having the courage to put the team’s wellbeing first.”

Below is Louise’s advice for managers:  


    • Stay Calm and Composed – Don’t Panic

Remain composed during the conversation to create a safe environment for the person in distress.

    • Give the Gift of Time

Offer your undivided attention and let the individual know that you’re there to listen for as long as they need.

    • Listen Actively and Without Judgement

Practice active listening without interrupting or offering immediate solutions.

    • Keep the Focus on Them

Avoid making the conversation about yourself and validate their feelings and experiences.

    • Never Attempt to “Fix” the Problem

Recognise your role as a supporter rather than a problem-solver and avoid making promises about outcomes. 

    • Be Comfortable with Silence

Allow moments of silence for the person to collect their thoughts and emotions.

    • Validate and Empathise

Acknowledge their emotions without minimising or dismissing them.

    • Encourage Professional Help

Provide information about available resources and offer assistance in accessing them.

CONTACT EMERGENCY SERVICES IF NECCESARYIf you believe the individual is at risk of self-harm or suicide, contact emergency services immediately.


Navigating conversations about mental health and suicide in the workplace requires compassion, empathy, and active listening. By following these guidelines, managers can create a safe and supportive environment for their team members and contribute to a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health and wellbeing.

For further information or training opportunities, feel free to reach out to Louise at She’d be happy to chat with you!