Neutral Assessment
Neutral Assessment is a process which supports the team/work group etc. to understand the causes of complex people issues and supports a resolution
Please do get in touch if you’d like to chat
When would I need a neutral assessment?
- There are complex people issues in your team which have been around for awhile
- The issues are impacting negatively on delivery, clients, the team and/or you
- A formal investigation (e.g. grievance or conduct) is not appropriate
- Team mediation isn’t appropriate
- You might have tried other ways to resolve the issues but none worked
Steps in the process
- Briefing meeting to discuss the presenting issues
- Agree the objectives of the assessment
- Communicate information about the assessment to those concerned including timescales
- McKinney HR develop a structured questionnaire which will explore the issues which impact on the objectives
- McKinney HR Associate has one to one meetings with the relevant people
- Information gathered analysed
- Report written to reflect the analysis
- Draft report shared with the client
- De-brief meeting held
- Final report submitted
- The Assessor makes informal notes to support analysis and report writing
- Once the report is completed the informal notes are destroyed
- Comments made will not be attributed to individuals
- Individuals will be advised that what they say will remain anonymous unless there is an issue relating to client safety or a serious disclosure (usually also covered in company policy)
- A report which provides focused information on the issues within the team
- If you ask for recommendations then we can add these to the report however it is up to the client to decide on what happens next
- Manager decides how much to share with the team
- Individuals will have had the opportunity to safely express their concerns. This in itself can lead to change
- You will have access to the most open and honest feedback possible due to our independence, ability to quickly build rapport and high level of listening and analytical skills
- You will have sufficient information to inform what you do next
What next?
Examples as follows:
- Training and development
Mediation between identified parties - Processes /procedures changed
- Teams adjusted
- Actions to be undertaken by ‘management’
- Formal processes