Case STudies
Positive Outcomes
We work with you as a Strategic Business Partner to ensure that our methods and your outcomes have a strong people and business focus
Our Case Studies
HR Business Partnering
Pay As You Go HR Support – Charity sector
The Client & Their Needs
One of our clients has worked with our HR Business Partner over a period of 2 years so far to provide them with advice and guidance as they navigate changes in the organisation strategy, structure and various people issues along the way.
We started our journey with the client by completing an HR HealthCheck to identify any key gaps in HR policies and processes.
Over the past 2 years, McKinney HR have supported our client with lots of areas including:
- General policy review.
- Delivering supporting training.
- Reviewed supporting HR processes. and created supplementary guidance for managers.
- Providing guidance on amending team roles and responsibilities.
- Providing HR support for a redundancy pro-gramme.
- Advising on specific per-formance management and capability cases, coaching line managers on how to address issues fairly and effectively.
- Keeping the organisation legally compliant, whilst ensuring HR documentation wording “fits” with their culture and work environment.
- Ensuring the team un-derstands expectations and responsibilities of revised policies.
- Help with effective
Implementation of re-vised policies or process-es. - Compiling scripts, taking minutes, drafting letters, and guiding senior man-agement on legal obliga-tions for HR processes. There to handhold as needed.
- A consistent approach for all line managers.
McKinney HR continue to develop a deeper understanding of our client’s culture and needs which enables us to respond with solu-tions and support which is relevant to them.
Contact us
Our HR Support is available on a Pay as You Go Basis.
Contact us in confidence today:
0131 524 8191 or 07543 544 467
workplace investigations
when you need us
You have received a grievance, complaint, dignity @work claim etc. or there has been an incident at work where you need to properly establish what has happened, what actions if any need taken and you need to move forward for the best interests of the people involved and your business
You don’t have the capacity or capability to undertake this yourself or you need independence due to others in your organisation being already involved in the case in some way
what we do for you
You will get a report which is proportionate to the seriousness of the issue/s, covering the evidence gathered, any breaches of policies or procedures, conclusions on each allegation and where there has been a grievance recommendation for resolution and any learning identified
benefit to you
You will receive a report which supports you to clearly see what you need to do next, which holds its own in relation to appeals and other proceedings,
the highest level of independence which is critical particularly when the issues are complex and the knowledge that you and your issues are safe with us